Everyday lab tests to optimize for greater health and reduce risk of disease
Jan 23, 2020
Enjoy the video! Below are the lab tests covered and the time frames during the cast!
- About metabolic syndrome @ 2:12
- Insulin resistance @ 2:37
- Glucose and HbA1c @ 4:48
- Inflammation and C-Reactive Protein @ 7:08
- Vitamin D @ 8:22
- Lipids/Cholesterol @10:30
- LDL @ 11:20
- Oxidation and Inflammation @ 11:40
- Diet @ 12:18
- HDL @ 12:37
- Triglycerides @13:22
- Lipid Numbers-Norm and Optimize @ 13:56
- Thyroid @ 16:13
And here is the thyroid gradient example I mentioned
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